When I spoke about my storyboard I was told about a Lily Allen video which very much represents the main idea I have for my video, that the main character would see a different reality to what the viewer see's, although my idea is going for a more comedic feel than this video. I also really like the long shots used in this video from a side angle as she walks from place to place as it shows what is happening around the character and as she is walking it helps keep a sense of pace which I will need to achieve in my video, it's also a great way to variate from the POV shots I intend to use.
Another video I was told about was one directed by Spike Jonze for the artist MC 900ft Jesus, this video helped me see the sort of pace I want to achieve with my video although the editing will not be so fast as mine has to fit in with the genre characteristics of Reggae. The video fits with my idea of a main character entering these different scenes whilst stuff happens in the background for comedic effect although I want my protagonist to have more interaction with the world than the main character does in this video.
I'll update this post as I get more audience feedback
Update 1!:
So i've changed my storyboard ideas around a bit, It still hold the same narrative structure as before but will disgard the use of pov shots and will now have two main characters, The artist and the protaganist.
"I think you're idea's a bit too abstract and might be difficult to shoot, you should probably just do a performance video"
Bah Humbug! I decided not to listen to Alice's negativity and talked to some more people
That's 3 outta 5 positive reviews, not bad at all...
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